News and updates and a sandwich

Plans for the hackathon in Paris in June are well underway. We now have two major sponsors: Dell EMC and now Total E&P too will be supporting the event with generous funding. Bolstered by this, I've set a goal of getting 50 participants in the event. Imagine that!

If you would like to help us reach this goal, please consider printing out some of these posters (right) and putting them up in your place of work or study >> hi-res PDF << It should even be readable in black & white, if that's your only option.

You can find links to everything you need to know about the event at

Le grand sandwich délicieux

The hackathon is really just the filling in a delicious Parisian sandwich of geocomputing goodness. The bread at the bottom is the Hacker Bootcamp on 9 June. The filling is the hackathon weekend... and the final piece is the EAGE workshop on machine learning. Convened by geoscientists at Total and IFP, it should be a great day of knowledge sharing and discussion. I can't wait.

11 days to go!

There are only 11 days left to take part in the SEG Machine Learning contest, in which you are challenged to predict lithologies in two wells, given some wireline logs and lithologies in several other nearby wells. Everything you need to get started, even if you've never tried anything like this before, is right here. See Brendon Hall's TLE article for more deets.

The radio show for geo-nerds

Undersampled Radio is still going strong. We just recorded episode 32 today. Last week's chat with Prof Chris Jackson (Imperial College London) — who's embarking on a GSA lecture tour this year — was a real cracker, check it out:

The other thing you need to know about Chris is that he's started writing his blog again. It's awesome, of course, and you should probably just go and read it now...