Six books about seismic interpretation

Last autumn Brian Romans asked about books on seismic interpretation. It made me realize two things: (1) there are loads of them out there, and (2) I hadn't read any of them. (I don't know what sort of light this confession casts on me as a seismic interpreter, but let's put that to one side for now.)

Here are the books I know about, in no particular order. Have I missed any? Let us know in the comments!

Introduction to Seismic Interpretation

Google Books

Bruce Hart, 2011, AAPG Discovery Series 16. Tulsa, USA: AAPG. List price USD 42.

This 'book' is a CD-based e-book, aimed at the new interpreter. Bruce is an interpreter geologist, so there's plenty of seismic stratigraphy.

A Petroleum Geologist's Guide to Seismic Reflection

William Ashcroft, 2011. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. List price USD 90.

I really, really like this book. It covers all the important topics and is not afraid to get quantitative — and it comes with a CD containing data and software to play with. 

Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data

Alistair Brown, AAPG Memoir. Tulsa, USA: AAPG. List price USD 115.

This book is big! Many people think of it as 'the' book on interpretation. The images are rather dated—the first edition was in 1986—but the advice is solid.

First Steps in Seismic Interpretation

Google Books

Donald Herron, SEG. Tulsa, USA: SEG. List price USD 62.

This new book is tremendous, if a little pricey for its size. Don is a thoroughly geophysical interpreter with deep practical experience. A must-read for sub-salt pickers!

3D Seismic Interpretation

Bacon, Simm and Redshaw, 2003. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge. List price USD 80.

A nicely produced and comprehensive treatment with plenty of quantitative meat. Multi-author volumes seem a good idea for such a broad topic.

Elements of 3D Seismology

Chris Liner, 2004. Tulsa, USA: PennWell Publishing. List price USD 129.

Chris Liner's book and CD are not about seismic interpretation, but would make a good companion to any of the more geologically inclined books here. Fairly hardcore.

The rest and the next

Out-of-print and old books, or ones that are less particularly about seismic interpretation:

An exciting new addition will be the forthcoming book from Wiley by Duncan Irving, Richard Davies, Mads Huuse, Chris Jackson, Simon Stewart and Ralph Daber — Seismic Interpretation: A Practical Approach. Look out for that one in 2014.

Watch out for our book reviews on all these books in the coming weeks and months.

The HUB on the South Shore

One of the things we dream about is a vibrant start-up community in the energy sector. A sort of Silicon Valley, but in the Bow Valley, or the Woodlands, or wherever. And focused on the hard, important problems in our field. More young people bringing their ideas, energy and talent — and more experienced people taking a chance, investing, and mentoring. Wresting more of the innovation opportunity back from big E&P and service companies, and freeing the professionals trapped in them.

We also want to see some of this in Nova Scotia. Indeed, the future of the Nova Scotian economy depends on it. So Agile has invested in a new community catalyst on the South Shore, the region where I live. Along with two others, I have renovated an old school room (left) and started The HUB South Shore — a place where freelancers, entrepreneurs, and professionals can come to work, network, not work, and learn. Affiliated with the HUB Halifax that Evan frequents, it's part of a global coworking movement, and a far-reaching network of HUBs.

Most importantly, it's a place to be around other highly productive, creative individuals — all of whom have made bold choices in their careers. Their proximity gives us all greater courage.  

There are similar spaces in Calgary, Houston, Aberdeen, and Perth. They completely transform the experience of working alone, or in small groups like Agile. Instead of isolation, you gain instant access to other self-starters, potential colleagues, and new friends. Many of these spaces are de facto incubators, with ready access to tools, people, and even financial backing. They are places where things happen — without IT, HR, or Legal. Imagine!

If you're thinking about starting out on your own, or with a friend or three, look around for a co-working space. It might make the transition from employee to freelancer (or even employer) a little less daunting. 

And if you find yourself on the South Shore of Nova Scotia, come to the HUB and say hello!

The calculus of geology

Calculus is the tool for studying things that change. Even so, in the midst of the dynamic and heterogeneous earth, calculus is an under-practised and, around the water-cooler at least, under-celebrated workhorse. Maybe that's because people don't realize it's all around us. Let's change that. 

Derivatives of duration

We can plot the time f(x) that passes as a seismic wave travels though space x. This function is known to many geophysicists as the time-to-depth function. It is key for converting borehole measurements, effectively recorded using a measuring tape, to seismic measurements, recorded using a stop watch.

Now let's take the derivative of f(x) with repsect to x. The result is the slowness function (the reciprocal of interval velocity):

The time duration that a seismic wave travels over a small interval (one metre). This function is an actual sonic well log. Differentiating once again yields this curious spiky function:

Geophysicists will spot that this resembles a reflection coefficient series, which governs seismic amplitudes. This is actually a transmission coefficient function, but that small detail is beside the point. In this example, the creating a synthetic seismogram mimics the calculus of geology. 

If you are familiar with the integrated trace attribute, you will recognize that it is an attempt to compute geology by integrating reflectivity spikes. The only issue in this case, and it is a major issue, is that the seismic trace is bandlimited. It does not contain all the information about the earth's slowness. So the earth's geology remains elusive and blurry.

The derivative of slowness yields the reflection boundaries, the integral of slowness yields their position. So in geophysics speak, I wonder, is forward modeling akin to differentiation, and inverse modeling akin to integration? I find it fascinating that these three functions have essentially the same density of information, yet they look increasingly complicated when we take derivatives. 

What other functions do you come across that might benefit from the calculus treatment?

The sonic log used in this example is from the O-32-B/11-E-64 well onshore Nova Scotia, which is publically available but not easily accessible online.

Creeping inefficiency

Dear CIO of a major oil and gas company,

Search—something you take for granted on the Internet—is broken in your company. Ask anyone.

You don't notice, because you don't count the cost of lost seconds or minutes finding things. And you can't count the cost of the missed opportunities because someone gave up looking. This happens thousands of times a day, by the way. 

Here's what people do when they want to find something on your intranet: 

  1. Ask people if they know where it is. (Nobody does.)
  2. Give up.

The good news is that there is a relatively easy way to fix this immediately and forever. Here's how:

  1. Buy Google Search Appliance.

If you don't already have one of these in your server room, then your luck is in. Soon everyone will think you're a hero. At least, they will until they realize there are 31 versions of every file in your organization. At least you'll know where they all are though, right?

You're welcome,

Review: The Wave Watcher's Companion


The Wave Watcher's Companion: From Ocean Waves to Light Waves via Shock Waves, Stadium Waves, and All the Rest of Life's Undulations
Gavin Pretor-Pinney, Perigee (USA), Bloomsbury (UK), July 2010, $22.95

This book was on my reading list, and then on my shelf, for ages. Now I wish I'd snapped it up and read it immediately. In my defence, the end of 2010 was a busy time for me, what with turning my career upside down and everything, but I'm sure there's a lesson there somewhere...

If you think of yourself as a geophysicist, stop reading this review and buy this book immediately. 

OK, now they've gone, we can look more closely. Gavin Pretor-Pinney is the chap behind The Cloud Appreciation Society, the author of The Cloudspotter's Guide, and co-creator of The Idler Magazine. He not a scientist, but a witty writer with a high curiosity index. The book reads like an extended blog post, or a chat in the pub. A really geeky chat. 

Geophysicists are naturally drawn to all things wavy, but the book touches on sedimentology too — from dunes to tsunamis to seiches. Indeed, the author prods at some interesting questions about what exactly waves are, and whether bedforms like dunes (right) qualify as waves or not. According to Andreas Baas, "it all depends on how loose is your definition of a wave." Pretor-Pinney likes to connect all possible dots, so he settles for a loose definition, backing it up with comparisons to tanks and traffic jams. 

The most eye-opening part for me was Chapter 6, The Fifth Wave, about shock waves. I never knew that there's a whole class of waves that don't obey the normal rules of wave motion: they don't obey the speed limits, they don't reflect or refract properly, and they can't even be bothered to interfere like normal (that is, linear) waves. Just one of those moments when you realize that everything you think you know is actually a gross simplification. I love those moments.

The book is a little light on explanation. Quite a few of the more interesting parts end a little abruptly with something like, "weird, huh?". But there are plenty of notes for keeners to follow up on, and the upside is the jaunty pace and adventurous mix of examples. This one goes on my 're-read some day' shelf. (I don't re-read books, but it's the thought that counts).

Figure excerpt from Pretor-Pinney's book, copyright of the author and Penguin Publishing USA. Considered fair use.