A European geo-gaming hackathon

I'm convinced that hackathons are the best way to get geoscientists and engineers inventing and collaborating in new ways. They are better for learning than courses. They are better for networking than parties. And they nearly always have tacos! 

If you are unsure what a hackathon is, or why I'm so enthusiastic about them, you can read my November article in the Recorder (Hall 2015, CSEG Recorder, vol 40, no 9).

The next hackathon will be 28 and 29 May in Vienna, Austria — right before the EAGE Conference and Exhibition. You can sign up right now! Please get it in your calendar and pass it along.

Throwing down the gauntlet

Colorado School of Mines has dominated the student showing at the last 2 autumn hackathons. I know there are plenty more creative research groups out there. Come out and show the world your awesomeness — in teams of up to 4 people — and spend a weekend learning and coding. Also: there will be beer.

To everyone else: this is not a student event, it's for everyone. Most of the participants in the past have been professionals, but the more diverse it is, the more we all get out of it. So don't ask yourself if you'll fit in — you will. 

A word about the fee

Our previous hackathons have been free, but this one has a small fee. It's an experiment. Like most free events, no-shows are a challenge; I'm hoping the fee reduces the problem. If the fee makes it difficult for you to join us, please get in touch — I do not want it to be a barrier.

Just to be clear: these events do not make money. Previous events have been generously sponsored — and that's the only way they can happen. We need support for this one too: if you're a champion of creativity in science and want to support this event, you can find me at matt@agilegeoscience.com, or you can read more about sponsorship here.


The dates are 28 and 29 May. The event will run 8 till 6 (or so) on both the Saturday and the Sunday. We don't have a venue finalized yet. Ideas and contributions of any kind are welcome — this is a community event.

The theme this year will be Games. If you have ideas, share them in the comments! Here are some random project ideas to get you going...

  • Acquisition optimizer: lay out the best geometry to image the geology.
  • Human inversion: add geological layers to match a seismic trace.
  • Drill wells on a budget to make the optimal map of an unseen surface.
  • Which geological section matches the (noisy) seismic section?
  • Top Trumps for global 3D seismic surveys, with data scraped from press releases.
  • Set up the best processing flow based for a modeled, noisy shot gather.

It's going to be fun! If you're traveling to EAGE this year, I hope we see you there!

Photo of Vienna by Nic Piégsa, CC-BY. Photo of bridge by Dragan Brankovic, CC-BY.

Images as data

I was at the Atlantic Geoscience Society's annual meeting on Friday and Saturday, held this year in a cold and windy Truro, Nova Scotia. The AGS is a fairly small meeting — maybe a couple of hundred geoscientists make the trip — but usually good value, especially if you're working in the area. 

A few talks and posters caught my attention, as they were all around a similar theme: getting data from images. Not in an interpretive way, though — these papers were about treating images fairly literally. More like extracting impedance from seismic than, say, making a horizon map.

Drone to stereonet

Amazing 3D images generated from a large number of 2D images of outcrop. LEft: the natural colour image. Middle: all facets generated by point cloud analysis. Right: the final set of human-filtered facets. © Joseph Cormier 2016

Amazing 3D images generated from a large number of 2D images of outcrop. LEft: the natural colour image. Middle: all facets generated by point cloud analysis. Right: the final set of human-filtered facets. © Joseph Cormier 2016

Probably the most eye-catching poster was that of Joseph Cormier (UNB), who is experimenting with computer-assisted structural interpretation. Using dozens of high-res photographs collected by a UAV, Joseph combines them to create reconstruct the 3D scene of the outcrop — just from photographs, no lidar or other ranging technology. The resulting point cloud reveals the orientations of the outcrop's faces, as well as fractures, exposed faults, and so on. A human interpreter can then apply her judgment to filter these facets to groups of tectonically significant sets, at which point they can be plotted on a stereonet. Beats crawling around with a Brunton or Suunto for days!

Hyperspectral imaging

There was another interesting poster by a local mining firm that I can't find in the abstract volume. They had some fine images from CoreScan, a hyperspectral imaging and analysis company operating in the mining industry. The technology, which can discern dozens of rock-forming minerals from their near infrared and shortwave infrared absorption characteristics, seems especially well-suited to mining, where mineralogical composition is usually more important than texture and sedimentological interpretation. 

Isabel Chavez (SMU) didn't need a commercial imaging service. To help correlate Laurasian shales on either side of the Atlantic, she presented results from using a handheld Konica-Minolta spectrophotometer on core. She found that CIE L* and a* colour parameters correlated with certain element ratios from ICP-MS analysis. Like many of the students at AGS, Isabel was presenting her undergraduate thesis — a real achievement.

Interesting aside: one of the chief applications of colour meters is measuring the colour of chips. Fascinating.

The hacker spirit is alive and well

The full spectrum (top), and the CCD responses with IR filter, Red filter, green filter, and blue filter (bottom). All of the filters admitted some infrared light, causing problems for calibration. © Robert McEwan 2016.

The full spectrum (top), and the CCD responses with IR filter, Red filter, green filter, and blue filter (bottom). All of the filters admitted some infrared light, causing problems for calibration. © Robert McEwan 2016.

After seeing those images, and wishing I had a hyperspectral imaging camera, Rob McEwan (Dalhousie) showed how to build one! In a wonderfully hackerish talk, he showed how he's building a $100 mineralogical analysis tool. He started by removing the IR filter from a second-hand Nikon D90, then — using a home-made grating spectrometer — measured the CCD's responses in the red, green, blue, and IR bands. After correcting the responses, Rob will use the USGS spectral library (Clark et al. 2007) to predict the contributions of various minerals to the image. He hopes to analyse field and lab photos at many scales. 

Once you have all this data, you also have to be able to process it. Joshua Wright (UNB) showed how he has built a suite of VisualBasic Macros to segment photomicrographs into regions representing grains using FIJI, then post-process the image data as giant arrays in an Excel spreadsheet (really!). I can see how a workflow like this might initially be more accessible to someone new to computer programming, but I felt like he may have passed Excel's sweetspot. The workflow would be much smoother in Python with scikit-image, or MATLAB with the Image Processing Toolbox. Maybe that's where he's heading. You can check out his impressive piece of work in a series of videos; here's the first:

Looking forward to 2016

All in all, the meeting was a good kick off to the geoscience year — a chance to catch up with some local geoscientists, and meet some new ones. I also had the chance to update the group on striplog, which generated a bit of interest. Now I'm back in Mahone Bay, enjoying the latest winter storm, enjoying the feeling of having something positive to blog about!

Please be aware that, unlike the images I usually include in posts, the images in this post are not open access and remain the copyright of their respective authors.


Isabel Chavez, David Piper, Georgia Pe-Piper, Yuanyuan Zhang, St Mary's University (2016). Black shale Selli Level recorded in Cretaceous Naskapi Member cores in the Scotian Basin. Oral presentation, AGS Colloquium, Truro NS, Canada.

Clark, R.N., Swayze, G.A., Wise, R., Livo, E., Hoefen, T., Kokaly, R., Sutley, S.J., 2007, USGS digital spectral library splib06a: U.S. Geological Survey, Digital Data Series 231

Joseph Cormier, Stefan Cruse, Tony Gilman, University of New Brunswick (2016). An optimized method of unmanned aerial vehicle surveying for rock slope analysis, 3D modeling, and structural feature extraction. Poster, AGS Colloquium, Truro NS, Canada.

Robert McEwan, Dalhousie University (2016). Detecting compositional variation in granites – a method for remotely sensed platform. Oral presentation, AGS Colloquium, Truro NS, Canada.

Joshua Wright, University of New Brunswick (2016). Using macros and advanced functions in Microsoft ExcelTM to work effectively and accurately with large data sets: An example using sulfide ore characterizatio. Oral presentation, AGS Colloquium, Truro NS, Canada.

Is subsurface software too pricey?

Amy Fox of Enlighten Geoscience in Calgary wrote a LinkedIn post about software pricing a couple of weeks ago. I started typing a comment... and it turned into a blog post.

I have no idea if software is 'too' expensive. Some of it probably is. But I know one thing for sure: we subsurface professionals are the only ones who can do anything about the technology culture in our industry.

Certainly most technical software is expensive. As someone who makes software, I can see why it got that way: good software is really hard to make. The market is small, compared to consumer apps, games, etc. Good software takes awesome developers (who can name their price these days), and it takes testers, scientists, managers.

But all is not lost. There are alternatives to the expensive software. We — practitioners in industry — just do not fully explore them. OpendTect is a great seismic interpretation tool, but many people don't take it seriously because it's free. QGIS is an awesome GIS application, arguably better than ArcGIS and definitely easier to use.

Sure, there are open source tools we have embraced, like Linux and MediaWiki. But on balance I think this community is overly skeptical of open source software. As evidence of this, how many oil and gas companies donate money to open source projects they use? There's just no culture for supporting Linux, MediaWiki, Apache, Python, etc. Why is that?

If we want awesome tools, someone, somewhere, has to pay the people who made them, somehow.


So why is software expensive and what can we do about it?

I used to sell Landmark's GeoProbe software in Calgary. At the time, it was USD140k per seat, plus 18% annual maintenance. A lot, in other words. It was hard to sell. It needed a sales team, dinners, and golf.  A sale of a few seats might take a year. There was a lot of overhead just managing licenses and test installations. Of course it was expensive!

In response, on the customer side, the corporate immune system kicked in, spawning machine lockdowns, software spending freezes, and software selection committees. These were (well, are) secret organizations of non-users that did (do) difficult and/or pointless things like workflow mapping and software feature comparisons. They have to be secret because there's a bazillion dollars and a 5-year contract on the line.

Catch 22. Even if an ordinary professional would like to try some cheaper and/or better software, there is no process for this. Hands have been tied. Decisions have been made. It's not approved. It can't be done.

Well, it can be done. I call it the 'computational geophysics manoeuver', because that lot have known about it for years. There is an easy way to reclaim your professional right to the tools of the trade, to rediscover the creativity and fun of doing new things:

Bring or buy your own technology, install whatever the heck you want on it, and get on with your work.

If you don't think that's a possibility for you right now, then consider it a medium term goal.

Old skool plot tool

It's not very glamorous, but sometimes you just want to plot a SEG-Y file. That's why we crafted seisplot. OK, that's why we cobbled seisplot together out of various scripts and functions we had lying around, after a couple of years of blog posts and Leading Edge tutorials and the like.

Pupils of the old skool — when everyone knew how to write a bash script, pencil crayons and lead-filled beanbags ruled the desktop, and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome was just the opening act to the Beastie Boys — will enjoy seisplot. For a start, it's command line only: 

    python seisplot.py -R -c config.py ~/segy_files -o ~/plots

Isn't that... reassuring? In this age of iOS and Android and Oculus Rift... there's still the command line interface.

Features galore

So what sort of features can you look forward to? Other than all the usual things you've come to expect of subsurface software, like a complete lack of support or documentation. (LOL, I'm kidding.) Only these awesome selling points:

  • Make wiggle traces or variable density plots... or don't choose — do both!
  • If you want, the script will descend into subdirectories and make plots for every SEG-Y file it finds.
  • There are plenty of colourmaps to choose from, or if you're insane you can make your own.
  • You can make PNGs, JPGs, SVGs or PDFs. But not CGM, sorry about that.

Well, I say 'selling points', but the tool is 100% free. We think this is a fair price. It's also open source of course, so please — seriously, please — improve the source code, then share it with the world! The code is in GitHub, natch.

Never go full throwback

There is one more feature: you can go full throwback and add scribbles and coffee stains. Here's one for your wall:

The 2D seismic line in this post is from the USGS NPRA Seismic Data Archive, and are in the public domain. This is line number 31-81-PR (links directly to SEG-Y file).