No going back

At last, 2021 is fully underway. There’s a Covid vaccine. The president of the US is not deranged. Brexit is essentially over. We can go back to normal now, right? Soon anyway… after the summer… right?


There is no ‘back’ on this thing, only forward. Even if there was a back, there is no ‘normal’.

So, as comforting as they are, I try to avoid ideas like ‘recovery’, or ‘getting back to normal’. Instead, I look forward to different — and better — things tomorrow.

You can’t go back

In spite of what you might have gathered from a certain Christoper Nolan movie, the arrow of time only points in one direction: from the past to the future. Sometimes this seems scary, because you can’t control the future. But, unlike the past, you can affect it. Specifically, you can improve it.

The price is uncertainty, because we don’t know what the future holds. If you work in the petroleum industry, debilitating uncertainty is a familiar sensation. I feel like people have been looking forward to ‘the recovery’ for as long as I can remember. People refer to the short-period (roughly 5-year) ups and downs as ‘cyclic’, but that’s not what it is. It never returns to its previous state. Ever. It’s more of a spiral in the multi-dimensional universe, never seeing the same world twice. And it’s not a pretty spiral, because it’s not going anywhere in particular (except, in the case of the oil industry, down).

There are no cycles, returning the world to some previous state now and then. Thank goodness! Instead, we have more of a random walk in a high-dimensional space, never returning to the same state. This is absolutely simplistic, and hard to draw in 2…

There are no cycles, returning the world to some previous state now and then. Thank goodness! Instead, we have more of a random walk in a high-dimensional space, never returning to the same state. This is absolutely simplistic, and hard to draw in 2D… but you get the idea.

The thing is, the world is a complex system, full of feedback and nonlinearity. Changing one thing changes a hundred other things. So the world after an earth-juddering event like the Covid pandemic is not the same as the world before that event. A great many things have changed completely, for example:

  • Working from home means that millions of people have an extra hour or two in their day. That’s hard to roll back.

  • Some industries have been crushed (airlines, hospitality), others have exploded (try and buy a bicycle!).

  • We’ve been shown a new, more inclusive, more accessible, more sustainable way to run events and conferences.

A nudge to adapt

Even if you could go back, do you want to? Sometimes, of course, it’s human nature. We miss people we’ve lost, or feelings we cherished, and it’s comforting to remember old times. And the future will hold new people and new experiences. But it’s impossible to forget that the ‘good old days’ were not awesome for everyone. The 1970’s were filled with overt racism and sexism. The 1980’s saw unfettered capitalism and the palpable threat of nuclear war. The hey-days of the oil industry were tainted by corruption and frequent environmental catastrophe. No-one wants to go back to those things.

If we think of ourselves as evolving beings, then maybe it helps to look at what’s happening around us as environmental pressure. It’s a nudge — or a series of nudges, and unusually big ones at the moment — to adapt. We (ourselves, our families, our employers, our technical societies) can choose to ignore them and try to get ‘back to normal’ for a while. Or we can pay attention and get ready for whatever is next.

Change you didn’t choose is uncomfortable, even scary. But much of the discomfort comes from shielding yourself from the change — waiting it out with gritted teeth — instead of adapting to it. Adaptation isn’t easy either, it takes daily effort to learn new ways to be productive, acquire new skills to help society, and keep on moving towards the things that bring fulfilment. And I think leaving behind the “back to normal” mindset is step 1.

What do you think? Are you sticking to the ‘white knuckle’ strategy, or have you started adjusting course? Let us know in the comments.

Three books about machine learning

I recently finished a Udemy machine learning course, and wrote on LinkedIn afterwards: “While I am no [machine learning] expert, this is one step on the way to better skills with [Python]”. So which other steps have I taken along that route to learn more about machine learning?

Here I share my thoughts on three books; two of which I have read cover to cover, and the third which I can hardly put down! When students in our machine learning class ask about books, these are the ones we recommend.

The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book

Andriy Burkov (2019). Self-published, 141 p, ISBN 978-1-9995795-0-0. List price USD35. $30.83 at, £25.27 at

Andriy Burkov states right at the start that “[This] book is distributed on the read first, buy later principle.” That is the first time I’ve seen this in a book despite the fact you can try a car before buying or visit a house before taking out a mortgage.

This was the first book I read that is fully dedicated to machine learning. I knew a little about the topic beforehand, but wasn’t yet ready to use any machine learning algorithm at that point, so this was a perfect introduction to the what, the why and the how of machine learning. The mathematics are introduced and explained in a way that is accessible without being overwhelming, although I acknowledge that this is of course a very subjective comment.

When I turned the last page of this book (and there are a few more than 100), I was even keener to explore further, and I still refer back to this book when I want a quick summary of a machine learning concept.

Data Science from Scratch

Joel Grus (2015). O’Reilly, 311 p, ISBN 978-1-492-04113-9. List price USD 41.99 at O’Reilly. $38.85 at, £27.56 at

I read the 1st edition of this book, which uses Python 2.7 but often refers to Python 3.4; the 2nd edition (2019) uses Python 3.6 throughout.

Joel Grus, of Ten Essays on Fizz Buzz fame amongst many other achievements, has a knack of breaking problems down to their constituent parts and gracefully rebuilding a solution. While I sometimes struggled with the level of mathematics he’s comfortable with, I never felt that I couldn’t follow his journey. This book really gave me the sequence of steps in data science, and a fantastic resource to refer back to whenever an algorithm seems too opaque to me.

Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists

Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido (2017). O’Reilly, 384 p, ISBN 978-1-449-36941-5. $40.00 at, £31.45 at

At the time of writing I am halfway through this book but I’ve already gone through Chapter 2 twice: once with the book and a second time to practice with different data sets. This is symptomatic of my experience with this book so far: it’s totally addictive. Tremendously well explained, building on the power of Jupyter notebooks thanks to all the code being available on GitHub, always explaining and illustrating the effects of only the important hyperparameters in each algorithm — this is fast turning into my go-to companion for machine learning.

If you only buy one machine learning book, or don’t know where to start, this is probably the one to go with.

We all have different technical backgrounds and abilities, and as mathematics figures prominently in the implementation of all machine learning solutions, it’s not the most approachable of subjects. I’d love to hear your comments about books you would recommend to other scientists getting started in machine learning.

These prices are Amazon's discounted prices and are subject to change. The links contain a tag that earns us a small commission, but does not change the price to you. You can almost certainly buy these books elsewhere. 

The images on this page are copyright of their respective owners and are used here in accordance with fair use doctrine.

Openness is a two-way street

Last week the Data Analysis Study Group of the SPE Gulf Coast Section announced a new machine learning contest (I’m afraid registration is now closed, even though the contest has not started yet). The task is to predict shear-wave sonic from other logs, similar to the SPWLA PDDA contest last year. This is a valuable problem in the subsurface, because shear sonic log is essential for computing elastic properties of rocks and therefore in predicting rock and fluid properties or processing seismic. Indeed, TGS have built a business on predicted logs with their ARLAS product. There’s money in log prediction!

The task looks great, but there’s one big problem: the dataset is not open.

Why is this a problem?

Before answering that, let’s look at some context.

What’s a machine learning contest?

Good question. Typically, an organization releases a dataset (financial timeseries, Netflix viewer data, medical images, or whatever). They invite people to predict some valuable property (when to sell, which show to recommend, how to treat the illness, or whatever). And they pick the best, measured against known labels on a hidden dataset.

Kaggle is one of the largest platforms hosting such challenges, and they often attract thousands of participants — competing for large prizes. TGS ran a seismic salt-picking contest on the platform, attracting almost 74,000 submissions from 3220 teams with a $100k prize purse. Other contests are more grass-roots, like the one I ran with Brendon Hall in 2016 on lithology prediction, and like this SPE contest. It’s being run by a team of enthusiasts without a lot of resources from SPE, and the prize purse is only $1000 — representing about 3 hours of the fully loaded G&A of an oil industry professional.

What has this got to do with reproducibility?

Contests that award a large prize in return for solving a hard problem are essentially just a kind of RFP-combined-with-consulting-job. It’s brutally inefficient: hundreds or even thousands of people spend hours on the problem for free, and a handful are financially rewarded. These contests attract a lot of attention, but I’m not that interested in them.

Community-oriented events like this SPE contest — and the recent FORCE one that Xeek hosted — are more interesting and I believe they are more impactful. They have lots of great outcomes:

  • Lots of people have fun working on a hard problem and connecting with each other.

  • Solutions are often shared after, or even during, the contest, so that everyone learns and grows their toolbox.

  • A new open dataset that might even become a much-needed benchmark for the task in hand.

  • Researchers can publish what they did, or do later. (The SEG ML contest tutorial and results article have 136 citations between them, largely from people revisiting the dataset to show new solutions.)

A lot of new open-source machine learning code is always exciting, but if the data is not open then the work is by definition not reproducible. It seems especially unfair — cheeky, even — to ask participants to open-source their code, but to keep the data proprietary. For sure TGS is interested in how these free solutions compare to their own product.

Well, life’s not fair. Why is this a problem?

The data is being shared with the contest participants on the condition that they may not share it. In other words it’s proprietary. That means:

  • Participants are encumbered with the liability of a proprietary dataset. Sure, TGS is sharing this data in good faith today, but who knows how future TGS lawyers will see it after someone accidentally commits it to their GitHub repo? TGS is a billion-dollar company, they will win a legal argument with you. (Having said that, there’s no NDA or anything, just a checkbox in a form. I don’t know how binding it really is… but I don’t want to be the one that finds out.)

  • Participants can’t publish reproducible papers on their own work. They can publish classic oil-indsutry, non-reproducible work — I did this thing but no-one can check it because I can’t give you the data — but do we really need more of that? (In the contest introductory Zoom, someone asked about publishing plots of the data. The answer: “It should be fine.” Are we really still this naive about data?)

If anyone from TGS is reading this and thinking, “Come on, we’re not going to sue anyone — we’re not GSI! — it’s fine :)” then my response is: Wonderful! In that case, why not just formalize everything by releasing the data under an open licence — preferably Creative Commons Attribution 4.0? (Unmodified! Don’t make the licensing mistakes that Equinor and NAM have made recently.) That way, everyone knows their rights, everyone can safely download the data, and the community can advance. And TGS looks pretty great for contributing an awesome dataset to the subsurface machine learning community.

I hope TGS decides to release the data with an open licence. If they don’t, it feels like a rather one-sided deal to me. And with the arrangement as it stands, there’s no way I would enter this contest.

Illuminated equations

Last year I wrote a post about annotated equations, and why they are useful teaching tools. But I never shared all the cool examples people tweeted back, and some of them are too good not to share.

Let’s start with this one from Andrew Alexander that he uses to explain complex number notation:


Paige Bailey tweeted some examples of annotated equations and code from the reinforcement learning tutorial, Building a Powerful DQN in TensorFlow by Sebastian Theiler. Here’s one of the algorithms, with slightly muted annotations:


Finally, Jesper Dramsch shared a new one today (and reminded me that I never finished this post). It links to Edward Raff’s book, Inside Deep Learning, which has some nice annotations, e.g. expressing a fundamental idea of machine learning:


Dynamic explication

The annotations are nice, but it’s quite hard to fully explain an equation or algorithm in one shot like this. It’s easier to do, and easier to digest, over time, in a presentation. I remember a wonderful presentation by Ross Mitchell (then U of Calgary) at the also brilliant lunchtime mathematics lectures that Shell used to sponsor in Calgary. He unpeeled time-frequency analysis, especially the S transform, and I still think about his talk today.

What Ross understood is that the learner really wants to see the maths build, more or less from first principles. Here’s a nice example — admittedly in the non-ideal medium of Twitter: make sure you read the whole thread — from Darrel Francis, a cardiologist at Imperial Colege, London:

A video is even more dynamic of course. Josef Murad shared a video in which he derives the Navier–Stokes equation:

In this video, Grant Sanderson, perhaps the equation explainer nonpareil, unpacks the Fourier transform. He creeps up on the equation, starting instead with building the intuition around frequency decomposition:

If you’d like to try making this sort of thing, you might like to know that Sanderson’s Python software, manim, is open source.

Multi-modal explication

Sanderson illustrates nicely that the teacher has several pedagogic tools at their disposal:

  • The spoken word.

  • The written word, especially the paragraph describing a function.

  • A symbolic representation of the function.

  • A graphical representation of the function.

  • A code representation of the function, which might also have a docstring, which is a formal description of the code, its inputs, and its outputs. It might also produce the graphical representation.

  • Still other modes, e.g. pseudocode (see Theiler’s example, above), a cartoon (esssentially a ‘pseudofigure’),

Virtually all of these things are, or can be dynamic (in a video, on a whiteboard) and annotated. They approach the problem from different directions. The spoken and written descriptions should be rigorous and unambiguous, but this can make them clumsy. Symbolic maths can be useful to those that can read it, but authors must take care to define symbols properly and to be consistent. The code representation must be strict (assuming it works), but might be hard for non-programmers to parse. Figures help most people, but are more about building intuition than providing the detail you might need for implementation, say. So perhaps the best explanations have several modes of explication.

In this vein of multi-modal explication, Jeremy Howard shared a nice example from his book, Deep learning for coders, of combining text, symbolic maths, and code:


Eventually I settled on calling these things, that go beyond mere annotation, illuminated equations (not to directly compare them to the beautiful works of devotion produced by monks in the 13th century, but that’s the general idea). I made an attempt to describe linear regression and the neural network equation (not sure what else to call it!) in a series of tweets last year. Here’s the all-in-one poster version (as a PDF):


There’s nothing intuitive about physics, maths, or programming. The more tricks we have for spreading intuition about these important scientific tools, the better. I think there’s something in illuminated equations for teachers to practice — and students too. In fact, Jackie Caplan-Auerbach decribes coaching her students in creating ‘equation dictionaries’ in her geophysics classes. I think this is a wonderful idea.

If you’re teaching or learning maths, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Are these things worth the effort to produce? Do you have any favourite examples to share?

x lines of Python: Stereonets

Difficulty rating: Intermediate

A few years back I needed to plot some fracture data without specialist software, so I created an Excel spreadsheet with a polar plot and interactive widgets. But thanks to Joe Kington and his awesome mplstereonet library those days are over. Today I want to share with you how to plot two fracture sets on an equal area Schmidt plot with mplstereonet.

Here's what we're going to do — and in only 10 lines of Python:

  1. Load the data from a CSV file.
  2. Create a stereonet with grid lines.
  3. Loop over fracture sets and plot each in a different colour.
  4. Add some statistics for each set.

For data we'll use Irene Wallis's fantastic open-source project fractoolbox repo, which includes some data — as well as some notebooks that go beyond what we will do here.

This results in the plot shown here, where each fracture is plotted as a point representing the pole of the fracture plane.

We see that not counting the imports, we can make this simple plot with as a few as 10 lines of code while still retaining some flexibility to refactor this code. The accompanying notebook also shows how to use ipywidgets to make the plot interactive.


That’s it! There’s more in the Notebook — check out the links below. If you get some beautiful plots out of your data, share them in the Software Underground or on Twitter. Have fun!

GitHub    See the Notebook on GitHub

Binder    Run the Notebook in MyBinder

Machine learning safety measures

Yesterday in Functional but unsafe machine learning I wrote about how easy it is to build machine learning pipelines that yield bad predictions — a clear business risk. Today I want to look at some ways we might reduce this risk.

The diagram I shared yesterday tries to illustrate the idea that it’s easy to find a functional solution in machine learning, but only a few of those solutions are safe or fit for purpose. The question to ask is: what can we do about it?


You can’t make bad models safe, so there’s only one thing to do: shrink the field of functional models so that almost all of them are safe:


But before we do this any old way, we should ask why the orange circle is so big, and what we’re prepared to do to shrink it.

Part of the reason is that libraries like scikit-learn, and the Python ecosystem in general, are very easy to use and completely free. So it’s absolutely possible for any numerate person with a bit of training to make sophisticated machine learning models in a matter of minutes. This is a wonderful and powerful thing, unprecedented in history, and it’s part of why machine learning has been so hot for the last 6 or 8 years.

Given that we don’t want to lose this feature, what actions could we take to make it harder to build bad models? How can we improve over time like aviation has, and without premature regulation? Here are some ideas:

  • Fix and maintain the data pipeline (not the data!). We spend most of our time getting training and validation data straight, and it always makes a big difference to the outcomes. But we’re obsessed with fixing broken things (which is not sustainable), when we should be coping with them instead.

  • Raise the digital literacy rate: educate all scientists about machine learning and data-driven discovery. This process starts at grade school, but it must continue at university, through grad school, and at work. It’s not a ‘nice to have’, it’s essential to being a scientist in the 21st century.

  • Build software to support good practice. Many of the problems I’m talking about are quite easy to catch, or at least warn about, during the training and evaluation process. Unscaled features, class imbalance, correlated features, non-IID records, and so on. Education is essential, but software can help us notice and act on them.

  • Evolve quality assurance processes to detect ML smell. Organizations that are adopting (building or buying) machine learning (i.e. all of them), must get really good at sniffing out problems with machine learning projects — then fixing those problems — and at connecting practitioners so they can learng together and share good practice.

  • Recognizing that machine learning models are made from code, and must be subject to similar kinds of quality assurance. We should adopt habits such as testing, documentation, code review, continuous integration, and issue tracking for users to report bugs and request enhancements. We already know how to do these things.

I know some of this might sound like I’m advocating command and control, but that approach is not compatible with a lean, agile organization. So if you’re a CTO reading this, the fastest path to success here is not hiring a know-it-all Chief Data Officer from a cool tech giant, then brow-beating your data science practitioners with Best Practice documents. Instead, help your digital professionals create a high-functioning community of practice, connected both inside and outside the organizations, and support them learning and adapting together. Yes it takes longer, but it’s much more effective.

What do you think? Are people already doing these things? Do you see people using other strategies to reduce the risk of building poor machine learning models? Share your stories in the comments below.

Functional but unsafe machine learning

There are always more ways to mess something up than to get it right. That’s just statistics, specifically entropy: building things is a fight against the second law of thermodynamics. And while messing up a machine learning model might sound abstract, it could result in poor decisions, leading to wasted resources, environmental risk, or unsafe conditions.

Okay then, bad solutions outnumber good solutions. No problem: we are professionals, we can tell the difference between good ones and bad ones… most of the time. Sometimes, though, bad solutions are difficult to discern — especially when we’re so motivated to find good solutions to things!

How engineered systems fail

A machine learning pipeline is an engineered system:

Engineered system: a combination of components that work in synergy to collectively perform a useful function

Some engineered systems are difficult to put together badly because when you do, they very obviously don't work. Not only can they not be used for their intended purpose, but any lay person can tell this. Take a poorly assembled aeroplane: it probably won’t fly. If it does, it then has safety criteria to meet. So if you have a working system, you're happy.

There are multiple forces at work here: decades of industrial design narrow the options, physics takes care of big chunk of failed builds, strong regulation takes care of almost all of the rest, and daily inspections keep it all functional. The result: aeroplane accidents are very rare.

In other domains, systems can be put together badly and still function safely. Take cookery — most of the failures are relatively benign, they just taste horrible. They are not unsafe and they 'function' insofar as they sustain you. So in cookery, if you have a working system, you might not be happy, but at least you're alive.

Where does machine learning fit? Is it like building aeroplanes, or cooking supper? Neither.


Machine learning with modern tools combines the worst of both worlds: a great many apparently functional but malignantly unfit failure modes. Broken ML models appear to work — given data \(X\), you get predictions \(\hat{y}\) — so you might think you're happy… but the predictions are bad, so you end up in hospital with food poisoning.

What kind of food poisoning? It ranges from severe and acute malfunction to much more subtle and insidious errors. Here are some examples:

  • Allowing information leakage across features or across records, resulting in erroneously high accuracy claims. For example, splitting related (e.g. nearby) records into the training and validation sets.

  • Not accounting for under-represented classes so that predictions are biased towards over-represented ones. This kind of error was common to see in the McMurray Formation of Alberta, which is 80% pay.

  • Forgetting to standardize or normalize numerical inputs to a model in production, producing erroneous predictions. For example, training on gamma-ray Z-scores of roughly –3 to +3, then asking for a prediction for a value of 75.

  • Using cost functions that do not reflect the opinions of humans with expertise about ‘good’ vs ‘bad’ predictions.

  • Racial or gender bias in a human resource model, such as might be used for hiring or career mapping.

Tomorrow I’ll suggest some ways to build safe machine learning models. In the meantime, please share what you think about this idea. Does it help to think about machine learning failures this way? Do you have another perspective? Let me know in the comments below.

UPDATE on 7 January 2021: Here’s the follow-up post, Machine learning safety measures >

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