Survival of the fittest or overcrowding?

If you’ve been involved in drilling boreholes in your career, you’ll be familiar with desurvey. Desurvey is the process of converting a directional well survey — which provides measured depth, inclination and azimuth points from the borehole — into a position log. The position log is an arbitrarily finely sampled set of (x, y, z) points along the wellbore. We need this to convert from measured depth (distance along the borehole path) to depth in the earth, which is usually given relative to mean sea-level.

I hunted around recently and found no fewer than nine Python packages that contain desurvey code. They are of various vintages and licences:

Other larger tools that contain desurvey code but not as re-usable

This is amazing — look at all the activity in the last 2 years or so! I think this is a strong sign that we've hit a new era in geocomputing. Fifteen years ago a big chunk of the open source geoscience stuff out there was the ten-or-so seismic processing libraries. Then about 7 or 8 years ago there was a proliferation of geophysical modeling and inversion tools. Now perhaps we're seeing the geological and wells communities entering the same stage of evolution. This is encouraging.

What now?

But there’s a problem here too. — this is a small community, with limited resources. Can we afford this diversity? I accept that there might be a sort of Cambrian explosion event that has to happen with new technology. But how can we ensure that it results in an advantageous “survival of the fittest” ecology, and avoid it becoming just another way for the community to spread itself too thinly? To put it another way, how can we accelerate the evolutionary process, so that we don’t drain the ecosystem of valuable resources?

There’s also the problem of how to know which of these tools is the fittest. As far as I’m aware, there are no well trajectory benchmarks to compare against. Some of the libraries I listed above do not have rigorous tests, certainly they all have bugs (it’s software) — how can we ensure quality emerges from this amazing pool of technology?

I don’t know, but I think this is a soluble problem. We’ve done the hard part! Nine times :D


There was another sign of subsurface technology maturity in the TRANSFORM conference this year. Several of the tutorials and hackathon projects were focused on integrating tools like GemPy, Devito, segyio, and the lasio/welly/striplog family. This is exciting to see — 2021 could be an important year in the history of the open subsurface Python stack. Stay tuned!

A (useless) map of geo-mathematics

Most scientific problems involve at least a bit of maths, even if it’s just adding things up or finding averages.

But some problems require quite a bit of maths, like solving an equation, or throwing vectors around, or even a Fourier transform or two. A lot of people switch off at this point.

Yet other problems require a lot of maths. Maybe we need a finite difference model, a volume integral, or a deep neural network. Most of us back away from the problem at this point and look for a collaborator with a lot of equations on their whiteboard.

But it’s pretty hard to find new collaborators right now. And what if you run into these problems a lot? Maybe you need to be the one with the equationy whiteboard!

What then? Where do you start? We need a map!

A roadmap for learning…

…is what I set out to draw. I failed. Possibly there exists a map, with START HERE in one corner and a whiteboard full of equations in the other. But I doubt it.

I ended up drawing this:


It was fun to draw, but I highly doubt that it’s any practical use. The conclusion I came to is: there is no path. In fact, this artificially flattened projection of the n-dimensional mathiverse — no doubt reflecting my own weak grasp on half of these topics — is probably a unique, personal perspective. It reflects my interests and my nonlinear journey from A-level calculus (which I loved) to undergraduate maths (which I found very hard) to… whatever half-truths I know today.

But I want to learn, where do I start?

So if there is no path, what can you do to improve? Where should you start? How can you learn? Easy: follow your nose. Start with a project — something that interests you, something you’ll stick with. Maybe it’s a spreadsheet you have, or a plot you want to make. When you get to the maths, as you inevitably will, dig in. Read around. Google things. Get a whiteboard.

As an example, when I worked on the tricky (and unsolved!) task of recovering data from pseudocolour images, my maths journey looked something like this:

Images ➡ clustering ➡ RGB vectors ➡ distance metrics ➡ k-d trees ➡ graphs ➡ Hamiltonian pathsTSP solvers

Admittedly, there’s some computer science in there too, but hey, this is applied maths.

As I described recently in Illuminated equations, there are several ways to serve, and consume, mathematical ideas: words, pictures, plots, symbols, annotations, and code (and probably some others). Seek out sources that give you three or more of these things. For me, being able to run some code makes a huge difference. Indeed, learning Python has directly led to me reading entire books on graph theory, linear algebra, deep learning, Fourier transforms, and all sorts of other things.

Well, learning Python and watching Numberphile.

I think it’s a myth that you have to be good at maths to learn to code. Instead, I think learning to code can — if you want — help make you good, or at least better, at maths. By giving you a way to try things without fully knowing what you are doing (after all, np.fft.fft(x) is pretty easy to type!), code gives you a way to peek at the answer. If you do it often enough, and follow up with some reading, understanding follows eventually.

Which programming language should you learn first?

The question I get asked most often is:

I want to learn to code, where should I start?

To which there’s really no perfect answer. It depends on a lot of things… Why do you want to learn to program? What domain are you in? Have you tried before? Do you like computers? Do your colleagues use anything in particular?

Undeterred by the futility, and inspired by an awesome blog post on, which advises you to learn JavaScript (not terrible advice), I thought I’d try to answer the question — for scientists. I adapted a rather old decision tree in that blog post to the specific needs of scientists. Here is the latest version:


Yes, it does have a lot of Python on it. Yes, I am biased.

These sorts of things are necessarily rather one-dimensional. In an effort to give general advice, all the interesting corners are sanded down. For instance, there is definitely some domain specificity to languages. In the subsurface domain, a lot of geophysicists learned their craft in MATLAB, but today are excited about Julia. I think environmental folks are more into R. Geologists mostly still like coloured pencils best. And of course reservoir engineers mastered VBA years ago. Clearly, if you’re learning to code to start a postgraduate degree, you should probably find out what language others in your lab are using before you crack into that old copy of FORTRAN in a Weekend.*

Anyway, this decision tree thing provoked quite a bit of discussion on Software Underground and Twitter. Some people felt challenged, although my purpose was to suggest a starting point for people, not to say “Never touch Java” (although, seriously, never touch Java). It’s natural — learning to master a language takes years and people are sensitive to perceived criticism of how they spent their time. But this misses the point a bit — programming is really just about getting things done, preferably in an open language (<cough> not MATLAB). So what’s the quickest path for a new programmer to start getting things done?

I appreciated this thoughtful comment from Kris Kuhlman:

I think it worked out more or less that way for me. I learned a bit of BASIC as a 12-year-old, and knew enough assembly to crash a BBC Micro. Then I learned awk in 1993, and used it for basically everything — including many things it certainly was not designed for. I tried and failed to learn Java in 2002, instead picking up MATLAB… which led to Python in about 2008. I was a slow learner though; it took years to be convinced that I needed NumPy. (Yes, you can load seismic as a list of lists.)

In the end, you need several tools in your belt. Several people pointed out that SQL (a so-called ‘domain specific language’ rather than a full-blown programming language) is incredibly useful to know. I think you could say the same for HTML and maybe even XML — or perhaps JSON these days. Then again, maybe these stretch the definition of ‘programming language’ a bit too far. Besides, if you write code, you’ll meet them eventually.

In the end, the point is to get things done. Every language on that tree will enable you to get things done. (Admittedly, Scratch, Processing, ChucK have rather narrow domains.) Fortran has been around for 70 years (not a typo) and is still in the top 20 languages. So don’t sweat it — if Kris is right, you’ll need to learn 2 languages before one sticks anyway.

* There is no such book, lol.