Free software tips

Open source software is often called 'free' software. 'Free as in freedom, not free as in beer', goes the slogan (undoubtedly a strange way to put it, since beer is rarely free). But something we must not forget about free and open software: someone, a human, had to build it.

It's not just open source software — a lot of stuff is free to use these days. Here are a few of the things I use regularly that are free:

Wow. That list was easy to write; I bet I've barely scratched the surface.

It's clear that some of this stuff is not free, strictly speaking. The adage 'if you're not paying for it, then you're the product' is often true — Google places ads in my Gmail web view, Facebook is similarly ad driven, your LinkedIn account provides valuable data and a prospect to paying members, mostly in human resources. 

But it's also clear that a few individuals in the world are creating massive, almost unmeasurable (if you think about Linux or Wikipedia), value in the world... and then giving it away. Think about that. Think about what that enables in the world. It's remarkable, especially when I think about all the physical junk I pay for. 

Give something back

I won't pretend to be consistent or rigorous about this, but since I started Agile I've tried to pay people for the awesome things that I use every day. I donate to Wikimedia, Mozilla and Creative Commons, I pay for the (free) Ubuntu Linux distribution, I buy the paid version of apps, and I buy the basic level of freemium apps rather than using the free one. If some freeware helps me, I send the developer $25 (or whatever) via PayPal.

I wonder how many corporations donate to Wikipedia to reflect the huge contribution it makes to their employees' ability to perform their work? How would it compare with how much it spends on tipping restaurant servers and cab drivers every year in the US, even when the service was mediocre?

There are lots of ways for developers and other creators to get paid for work they might otherwise have done for free, or at great personal expense or risk. For example, Kickstarter and Indiegogo are popular crowdfunding platforms. And I recently read about a Drupal developer's success with Gittip, a new tipping protocol.

Next time you get real value from something that cost you nothing, think about supporting the human being that put it together. 

The image is CC-BY-SA and created by Wikimedia Commons user JIP.

2013 retrospective

It's almost the end of the year, so we ask for your indulgence as we take our traditional look back at some of the better bits of the blog from 2013. If you have favourite subjects, we always like feedback!

Most visits

Amazingly, nothing we can write seems to be able to topple Shale vs tight, which is one of the firsts posts I wrote on this blog. Most of that traffic is coming from Google search, of course. I'd like to tell you how many visits the posts get, but web stats are fairly random — this year we'll have had either 60,000 or 245,000 visits, depending on who you believe — very precise data! Anyway, here are the rest...

Most comments

We got our 1000th blog comment at the end of September (thanks Matteo!). Admittedly some of them were us, but hey, we like arbitrary milestones as much as the next person. Here are the most commented-on posts of the year:

Hackathon skull

Hackathon skull

Proud moments

Some posts don't necessarily win a lot of readers or get many comments, but they mark events that were important to us. A sort of public record. Our big events in 2013 were...

Our favourites

Of course we have our personal favourite posts too — pieces that were especially fun to put together, or that took an unusual amount of craft and perspiration to finish (or more likely a sound beating with a blunt instrument).



I won't go into reader demographics as they've not changed much since last year. One thing is interesting, though not very surprising — about 15% of visitors are now reading on mobile devices, compared to 10% in 2012 and 7% in 2011. The technology shift is amazing: in 2011 we had exactly 94 visits from readers on tablets — now we get about 20 tablet visits every day, mostly from iPads.

It only remains for me to say Thank You to our wonderful community of readers. We appreciate every one of you, and love getting email and comments more than is probably healthy. The last 3 years have been huge fun, and we can't wait for 2014. If you celebrate Christmas may it be merry — and we wish you all the best for the new year.

To make up microseismic

I am not a proponent of making up fictitious data, but for the purposes of demonstrating technology, why not? This post is the third in a three-part follow-up from the private beta I did in Calgary a few weeks ago. You can check out the IPython Notebook version too. If you want more of this in person, sign up at the bottom or drop us a line. We want these examples to be easily readable, especially if you aren't a coder, so please let us know how we are doing.

Start by importing some packages that you'll need into the workspace,

%pylab inline
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import splprep, splev
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mayavi.mlab as mplt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

Define a borehole path

We define the trajectory of a borehole, using a series of x, y, z points, and make each component of the borehole an array. If we had a real well, we load the numbers from the deviation survey just the same.

trajectory = np.array([[   0,   0,    0],
                       [   0,   0, -100],
                       [   0,   0, -200],
                       [   5,   0, -300],
                       [  10,  10, -400],
                       [  20,  20, -500],
                       [  40,  80, -650],
                       [ 160, 160, -700],
                       [ 600, 400, -800],
                       [1500, 960, -800]])
x = trajectory[:,0]
y = trajectory[:,1]
z = trajectory[:,2]

But since we want the borehole to be continuous and smoothly shaped, we can up-sample the borehole by finding the B-spline representation of the well path,

smoothness = 3.0
spline_order = 3
nest = -1 # estimate of number of knots needed (-1 = maximal)
knot_points, u = splprep([x,y,z], s=smoothness, k=spline_order, nest=-1)

# Evaluate spline, including interpolated points
x_int, y_int, z_int = splev(np.linspace(0, 1, 400), knot_points)

plt.plot(x_int, y_int, z_int, color='grey', lw=3, alpha=0.75)

Define frac ports

Let's define a completion program so that our wellbore has 6 frac stages,

number_of_fracs = 6

and let's make it so that each one emanates from equally spaced frac ports spanning the bottom two-thirds of the well.

x_frac, y_frac, z_frac = splev(np.linspace(0.33, 1, number_of_fracs), knot_points)

Make a set of 3D axes, so we can plot the well path and the frac ports.

ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.plot(x_int, y_int, z_int, color='grey',
        lw=3, alpha=0.75)
ax.scatter(x_frac, y_frac, z_frac,
        s=100, c='grey')

Set a colour for each stage by cycling through red, green, and blue,

stage_color = []
for i in np.arange(number_of_fracs):
    color = (1.0, 0.1, 0.1)
    stage_color.append(np.roll(color, i))
stage_color = tuple(map(tuple, stage_color))

Define microseismic points

One approach is to create some dimensions for each frac stage and generate 100 points randomly within each zone. Each frac has an x half-length, y half-length, and z half-length. Let's also vary these randomly for each of the 6 stages. Define the dimensions for each stage:

frac_dims = []
half_extents = [500, 1000, 250]
for i in range(number_of_fracs):
    for j in range(len(half_extents)):
        dim = np.random.rand(3)[j] * half_extents[j]
frac_dims = np.reshape(frac_dims, (number_of_fracs, 3))

Plot microseismic point clouds with 100 points for each stage. The following code should launch a 3D viewer scene in its own window:

size_scalar = 100000
mplt.plot3d(x_int, y_int, z_int, tube_radius=10)
for i in range(number_of_fracs):
    x_cloud = frac_dims[i,0] * (np.random.rand(100) - 0.5)
    y_cloud = frac_dims[i,1] * (np.random.rand(100) - 0.5)
    z_cloud = frac_dims[i,2] * (np.random.rand(100) - 0.5)

    x_event = x_frac[i] + x_cloud
    y_event = y_frac[i] + y_cloud     
    z_event = z_frac[i] + z_cloud
    # Let's make the size of each point inversely proportional 
    # to the distance from the frac port
    size = size_scalar / ((x_cloud**2 + y_cloud**2 + z_cloud**2)**0.002)
    mplt.points3d(x_event, y_event, z_event, size, mode='sphere', colormap='jet')

You can swap out the last line in the code block above with mplt.points3d(x_event, y_event, z_event, size, mode='sphere', color=stage_color[i]) to colour each event by its corresponding stage.

A day of geocomputing

I will be in Calgary in the new year and running a one-day version of this new course. To start building your own tools, pick a date and sign up:

Eventbrite - Agile Geocomputing    Eventbrite - Agile Geocomputing

To make a wedge

We'll need a wavelet like the one we made last time. We could import it, if we've made one, but SciPy also has one so we can save ourselves the trouble. Remember to put %pylab inline at the top if using IPython notebook.

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import ricker
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Now we need to make a physical earth model with three rock layers. In this example, let's make an acoustic impedance earth model. To keep it simple, let's define the earth model with two-way-travel time along the vertical axis (as opposed to depth). There are number of ways you could describe a wedge using math, and you could probably come up with a way that is better than mine. Here's a way:

nsamps, ntraces = [600, 500]
rock_names = ['shale 1', 'sand', 'shale 2']
rock_grid = np.zeros((n_samples, n_traces))

def make_wedge(n_samples, n_traces, layer_1_thickness, start_wedge, end_wedge):
    for j in np.arange(n_traces): 
        for i in np.arange(n_samples):      
            if i <= layer_1_thickness:      
rock_grid[i][j] = 1 if i > layer_1_thickness:
rock_grid[i][j] = 3 if j >= start_wedge and i - layer_1_thickness < j-start_wedge:
rock_grid[i][j] = 2 if j >= end_wedge and i > layer_1_thickness+(end_wedge-start_wedge):
rock_grid[i][j] = 3 return rock_grid

Let's insert some numbers into our wedge function and make a particular geometry.

layer_1_thickness = 200
start_wedge = 50
end_wedge = 250
rock_grid = make_wedge(n_samples, n_traces, 
            layer_1_thickness, start_wedge, 

plt.imshow(rock_grid, cmap='copper_r')

Now we can give each layer in the wedge properties.

vp = np.array([3300., 3200., 3300.]) 
rho = np.array([2600., 2550., 2650.]) 
AI = vp*rho
AI = AI / 10e6 # re-scale (optional step)

Then assign values assign them accordingly to every sample in the rock model.

model = np.copy(rock_grid)
model[rock_grid == 1] = AI[0]
model[rock_grid == 2] = AI[1]
model[rock_grid == 3] = AI[2]
plt.imshow(model, cmap='Spectral')

Now we can compute the reflection coefficients. I have left out a plot of the reflection coefficients, but you can check it out in the full version in the nbviewer

upper = model[:-1][:]
lower = model[1:][:]
rc = (lower - upper) / (lower + upper)
maxrc = abs(np.amax(rc))

Now we make the wavelet interact with the model using convolution. The convolution function already exists in the SciPy signal library, so we can just import it.

from scipy.signal import convolve
def make_synth(f):
    synth = np.zeros((n_samples+len(t)-2, n_traces))
    wavelet = ricker(512, 1e3/(4.*f))
    wavelet = wavelet / max(wavelet)   # normalize
    for k in range(n_traces):
        synth[:,k] = convolve(rc[:,k], wavelet)
    synth = synth[ np.ceil(len(wavelet))/2 : -np.ceil(len(wavelet))/2, : ]
    return synth

Finally, we plot the results.

frequencies = array([5, 10, 15]) plt.figure(figsize = (15, 4)) for i in np.arange(len(frequencies)): this_plot = make_synth(frequencies[i]) plt.subplot(1, len(frequencies), i+1) plt.imshow(this_plot, cmap='RdBu', vmax=maxrc, vmin=-maxrc, aspect=1) plt.title( '%d Hz wavelet' % freqs[i] ) plt.grid() plt.axis('tight') # Add some labels for i, names in enumerate(rock_names): plt.text(400, 100+((end_wedge-start_wedge)*i+1), names, fontsize=14, color='gray', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')


That's it. As you can see, the marriage of building mathematical functions and plotting them can be a really powerful tool you can apply to almost any physical problem you happen to find yourself working on.

You can access the full version in the nbviewer. It has a few more figures than what is shown in this post.

A day of geocomputing

I will be in Calgary in the new year and running a one-day version of this new course. To start building your own tools, pick a date and sign up:

Eventbrite - Agile Geocomputing    Eventbrite - Agile Geocomputing

To plot a wavelet

As I mentioned last time, a good starting point for geophysical computing is to write a mathematical function describing a seismic pulse. The IPython Notebook is designed to be used seamlessly with Matplotlib, which is nice because we can throw our function on graph and see if we were right. When you start your own notebook, type

ipython notebook --pylab inline

We'll make use of a few functions within NumPy, a workhorse to do the computational heavy-lifting, and Matplotlib, a plotting library.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Next, we can write some code that defines a function called ricker. It computes a Ricker wavelet for a range of discrete time-values t and dominant frequencies, f:

def ricker(f, length=0.512, dt=0.001):
    t = np.linspace(-length/2, (length-dt)/2, length/dt)
    y = (1.-2.*(np.pi**2)*(f**2)*(t**2))*np.exp(-(np.pi**2)*(f**2)*(t**2))
    return t, y

Here the function needs 3 input parameters; frequency, f, the length of time over which we want it to be defined, and the sample rate of the signal, dt. Calling the function returns two arrays, the time axis t, and the value of the function, y.

To create a 5 Hz Ricker wavelet, assign the value of 5 to the variable f, and pass it into the function like so,

f = 5
t, y = ricker (f)

To plot the result,

plt.plot(t, y)

But with a few more commands, we can improve the cosmetics,

plt.plot( t, y, lw=2, color='black', alpha=0.5)
plt.fill_between(t, y, 0,  y > 0.0, interpolate=False, hold=True, color='blue', alpha = 0.5)
plt.fill_between(t, y, 0, y < 0.0, interpolate=False, hold=True, color='red', alpha = 0.5)

# Axes configuration and settings (optional)
plt.title('%d Hz Ricker wavelet' %f, fontsize = 16 )
plt.xlabel( 'two-way time (s)', fontsize = 14)
plt.ylabel('amplitude', fontsize = 14)

Next up, we'll make this wavelet interact with a model of the earth using some math. Let me know if you get this up and running on your own.

Let's do it

It's short notice, but I'll be in Calgary again early in the new year, and I will be running a one-day version of this new course. To start building your own tools, pick a date and sign up:

Eventbrite - Agile Geocomputing    Eventbrite - Agile Geocomputing

Coding to tell stories

Last week, I was in Calgary on family business, but I took an afternoon to host a 'private beta' for a short course that I am creating for geoscience computing. I invited about twelve familiar faces who would be provide gentle and constuctive feedback. In the end, thirteen geophysicists turned up, seven of whom I hadn't met before. So much for familiarity.

I spent about two and half hours stepping through the basics of the Python programming language, which I consider essential material — getting set up with Python via Enthought Canopy, basic syntax, and so on. In the last hour of the afternoon, I steamed through a number of geoscientific examples to showcase exercises for this would-be course. 

Here are three that went over well. Next week, I'll reveal the code for making these images. I might even have a go at converting some of my teaching materials from IPython Notebook to HTML:

To plot a wavelet

The Ricker wavelet is a simple analytic function that is used throughout seismology. This curvaceous waveform is easily described by a single variable, the dominant frequency of its many contituents frequencies. Every geophysicist and their cat should know how to plot one: 

To make a wedge

Once you can build a wavelet, the next step is to make that wavelet interact with the earth. The convolution of the wavelet with this 3-layer impedance model yields a synthetic seismogram suitable for calibrating seismic signals to subtle stratigraphic geometries. Every interpreter should know how to build a wedge, with site-specific estimates of wavelet shape and impedance contrasts. Wedge models are important in all instances of dipping and truncated layers at or below the limit of seismic resolution. So basically they are useful all of the time. 

To make a 3D viewer

The capacity of Python to create stunning graphical displays with merely a few (thoughtful) lines of code seemed to resonate with people. But make no mistake, it is not easy to wade through the hundreds of function arguments to access this power and richness. It takes practice. It appears to me that practicing and training to search for and then read documentation, is the bridge that carries people from the mundane to the empowered.

This dry-run suggested to me that there are at least two markets for training here. One is a place for showing what's possible — "Here's what we can do, now let’s go and build it". The other, more arduous path is the coaching, support, and resources to motivate students through the hard graft that follows. The former is centered on problem solving, the latter is on problem finding, where the work and creativity and sweat is. 

Would you take this course? What would you want to learn? What problem would you bring to solve?

Which brittleness index?

A few weeks ago I looked at the concept — or concepts — of brittleness. There turned out to be lots of ways of looking at it. We decided to call it a rock behaviour rather than a property. And we determined to look more closely at some different ways to define it. Here they are...

Some brittleness indices

There are lots of 'definitions' of brittleness in the literature. Several of them capture the relationship between compressive and tensile strength, σC and σT respectively. This is potentially useful, because we measure uniaxial compressive strength in the standard triaxial rig tests that have become routine in shale studies... but we don't usually find the tensile strength, because it's much harder to measure. This is unfortunate, because hydraulic fracturing is initially a tensile failure (though reactivation and other failure modes do occur — see Williams-Stroud et al. 2012).

Altindag (2003) gave the following three examples of different brittleness indices. In turn, they are the strength ratio, a sort of relative strength contrast, and the mean strength (his favourite):

This is just the start, once you start digging, you'll find lots of others. Like Hucka & Das's (1974) round-up I wrote about last time, one thing they have in common is that they capture some characteristic of rock failure. That is, they do not rely on implicit rock properties.

Another point to note. Bažant & Kazemi (1990) gave a way to de-scale empirical brittleness measures to account for sample size — not surprisingly, this sort of 'real world adjustment' starts to make things quite complicated. Not so linear after all.

What not to do

The prevailing view among many interpreters is that brittleness is proportional to Young's modulus and/or Poisson's ratio, and/or a linear combination of these. We've reported a couple of times on what Lev Vernik (Marathon) thinks of the prevailing view: we need to question our assumptions about isotropy and linear strain, and computing shale brittleness from elastic properties is not physically meaningful. For one thing, you'll note that elastic moduli don't have anything to do with rock failure.

The Young–Poisson brittleness myth started with Rickman et al. 2008, SPE 115258, who presented a rather ugly representation of a linear relationship (I gather this is how petrophysicists like to write equations). You can see the tightness of the relationship for yourself in the data.

If I understand  the notation, this is the same as writing B = 7.14E – 200ν + 72.9, where E is (static) Young's modulus and ν is (static) Poisson's ratio. It's an empirical relationship, based on the data shown, and is perhaps useful in the Barnett (or wherever the data are from, we aren't told). But, as with any kind of inversion, the onus is on you to check the quality of the calibration in your rocks. 

What's left?

Here's Altindag (2003) again:

Brittleness, defined differently from author to author, is an important mechanical property of rocks, but there is no universally accepted brittleness concept or measurement method...

This leaves us free to worry less about brittleness, whatever it is, and focus on things we really care about, like organic matter content or frackability (not unrelated). The thing is to collect good data, examine it carefully with proper tools (Spotfire, Tableau, R, Python...) and find relationships you can use, and prove, in your rocks.


Altindag, R (2003). Correlation of specific energy with rock brittleness concepts on rock cutting. The Journal of The South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. April 2003, p 163ff. Available online.

Hucka V, B Das (1974). Brittleness determination of rocks by different methods. Int J Rock Mech Min Sci Geomech Abstr 10 (11), 389–92. DOI:10.1016/0148-9062(74)91109-7.

Rickman, R, M Mullen, E Petre, B Grieser, and D Kundert (2008). A practical use of shale petrophysics for stimulation design optimization: all shale plays are not clones of the Barnett Shale. SPE 115258, DOI: 10.2118/115258-MS.

Williams-Stroud, S, W Barker, and K Smith (2012). Induced hydraulic fractures or reactivated natural fractures? Modeling the response of natural fracture networks to stimulation treatments. American Rock Mechanics Association 12–667. Available online.