Rock, paper, scissors: the perfect gift

It’s winter festival time again. Pat yourself on the back for showing 2020 that it’s going to take more than a global pandemic, environmental chaos, and geopolitical instability to see you off. Hold your dear ones near and let’s all look forward to no more of whatever the heck this year was.

In the meantime, maybe you’re looking for a gift to brighten the life of your favourite geologist — or maybe you want to appreciate a favourite science teacher, or gear up for more home-schooling, or perhaps you just like nerdy things. Whatever the reason, I’ve got you covered for ideas.

Is this a diorite I see before me?

The only way geologists can really tell what anything is, is by getting really close… then licking it. But then they also want a really good look, and for that they’ll need a handlens. The best kind have triple lenses, and the most generally useful ones are 10x or 14x magnification. There are only three you need to know about:

Iwamoto Achromatic — Japanese tech, Japanese prices. USD ~110.

Bausch + Lomb Hastings — solid US–Canadian product. USD ~40.

BelOMO Triplet — based in Minsk, these get great reviews. USD ~30.


More instruments!

I don’t think most people realise they want a sundial… until they see one of these Präzisionssonnenuhr. Admittedly, they are pretty expensive at EUR1000, and they also take weeks to arrive, but maybe you can save up and plan ahead for 2021!


When it comes to geoscientific instruments, geophysicist and podcaster John Leeman has you covered. His workshop in Arkansas, USA, is capable of making more or less anything you can think of. He just started selling these awesome desktop sandboxes for making your own faultscapes. (Sand not included; I think you need about 2 kg to make a model.)


Outcrop in the kitchen

When Zane Jobe (Colorado School of Mines) tweeted about his trip to Denver Stone Collection, which included this beauty (below), most of the geologists on Twitter got very excited. The collection is online, check it out. There are no prices, but I think prices on the order of USD100 per square foot are typical. I’m sure some of these are double that.


Staying in the kitchen, how about…


Unlike most images on, the ones in this post are not my property and are not open access. They are the copyright of their respective owners, and I’m using them here in accordance with typical Fair Use terms. If you’re an owner and you don’t like it, please let me know.

x lines of Python: static basemaps with contextily

Difficulty rating: Beginner

Something that is often useful in planning is to have a basemap of the area in which you have data or an interest. This can be made using a number of different tools, up to and including full-fledged GIS software, but we will use Contextily for a quick static basemap using Python. Installation is as simple as using conda install contextily or pip install contextily.

The steps that we want to take are the following, expressed in plain English, each of which will roughly be one line of code:

  1. Get a source for our basemap (placenames and similar things)
  2. Get a source for our geological map
  3. Get the location that we would like to map
  4. Plot the location with our geological data
  5. Add the basemap to our geological map
  6. Add the attribution for both maps
  7. Plot our final map

We will start with the imports, which as usual do not count:

import contextily as ctx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Contextily has a number of built-in providers of map tiles, which can be accessed using the ctx.providers dictionary. This is nested, with some providers offering multiple tiles. An example is the ctx.providers.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik provider, which contains the following:

{'url': 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
 'max_zoom': 19,
 'attribution': '(C) OpenStreetMap contributors',
 'name': 'OpenStreetMap.Mapnik'}

The most important parameter in the dictionary for each provider is the url. These are of the form{z}/{x}/{y}.png. The {z} is the zoom level, while {x} and {y} relate to the latitude and longitude of a given tile, respectively. Note that these are the same as those used by interactive Slippy maps; contextily just downloads them as a single static image.

The easiest is to use one of these providers, but we can also define our own provider, using the above pattern for the URL. For geological data, the Macrostrat project is a great resource, especially because they have a tileserver supplying some detail. Their tileserver can be added using

geology_tiles = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'

We also need a place to map. Contextily has a geocoder that can return the tiles covering a given location. It uses OpenStreetMap, so anything that is present there is useable as a location. This includes countries (e.g. 'Paraguay'), provinces/states ('Nova Scotia'), cities ('Lubumbashi'), and so on.

We will use Nova Scotia as our area of interest, as well as giving our desired map tiles. We can also use .plot() on the Place object to get a look at it immediately, using that basemap.

ctx.Place('Nova Scotia', source=ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron).plot()
The Positron style from Carto for Nova Scotia.

The Positron style from Carto for Nova Scotia.

We'll use a different basemap though:

basemap = ctx.providers.Stamen.Toner

We can create the Place with our desired source — geology_tiles in this case — and then plot this on the basemap with some transparency. We will also add an attribution, since we need to credit MacroStrat.

place = ctx.Place('Nova Scotia', source=geology_tiles)

base_ax = place.plot()
ctx.add_basemap(ax=base_ax, source=basemap, alpha=0.5)
text = basemap.attribution + ' | Geological data: (CC-BY)'
ctx.add_attribution(ax=base_ax, text=text)

Finally, after a call, we get the following:


Obviously this is still missing some important things, like a proper legend, but as a quick overview of what we can expect in a given area, it is a good approach. This workflow is probably better suited for general location maps.

Contextily also plays well with geopandas, allowing for an easy locality map of a given GeoDataFrame. Check out the accompanying Notebook for an example.

Binder  Run the accompanying notebook in MyBinder