Introducing Striplog
/Last week I mentioned we'd been working on a project called striplog. I told you it was "a new Python library for manipulating well data, especially irregularly sampled, interval-based, qualitative data like cuttings descriptions"... but that's all. I thought I'd tell you a bit more about it — why we built it, what it does, and how you can use it yourself.
The problem we were trying to solve
The project was conceived with the Nova Scotia Department of Energy, who had a lot of cuttings and core descriptions that they wanted to digitize, visualize, and archive. They also had some hand-drawn striplog images — similar to the one on the right — that needed to be digitized in the same way. So there were a few problems to solve:
- Read a striplog image and a legend, turn the striplog into tops, bases, and 'descriptions', and finally save the data to an archive-friendly LAS file.
- Parse natural language 'descriptions', converting them into structured data via an arbitrary lexicon. The lexicon determines how we interpret the words 'sandstone' or 'fine grained'.
- Plot striplogs with minimal effort, and keep plotting parameters separate from data. It should be easy to globally change the appearance of a particular lithology.
- Make all of this completely agnostic to the data type, so 'descriptions' might be almost anything you can think of: special core analyses, palaeontological datums, chronostratigraphic intervals...
The usual workaround, I mean solution, to this problem is to convert the descriptions into some sort of code, e.g. sandstone = 1, siltstone = 2, shale = 3, limestone = 4. Then you make a log, and plot it alongside your other curves or make your crossplots. But this is rather clunky, and if you lose the mapping, the log is useless. And we still have the other problems: reading images, parsing descriptions, plotting...
What we built
One of the project requirements was a Python library, so don't look for a pretty GUI or fancy web app. (This project took about 6 person-weeks; user interfaces take much longer to craft.) Our approach is always to try to cope with chaos, not fix it. So we tried to design something that would let the user bring whatever data they have: XLS, CSV, LAS, images.
The library has tools to, for example, read a bunch of cuttings descriptions (e.g. "Fine red sandstone with greenish shale flakes"), and convert them into Rocks — structured data with attributes like 'lithology' and 'colour', or whatever you like: 'species', 'sample number', 'seismic facies'. Then you can gather Rocks into Intervals (basically a list of one or more Rocks, with a top and base depth, height, or age). Then you can gather Intervals into a Striplog, which can, with the help of a Legend if you wish, plot itself or write itself to a CSV or LAS file.
The Striplog object has some useful features. For example, it's iterable in Python, so it's trivial to step over every unit and perform some query or analysis. Some tasks are built-in: Striplogs can summarize their own statistics, for example, and searching for 'sandstone' returns another Striplog object containing only those units matching the query.
>>> striplog.find('sandstone') Striplog(4 Intervals, start=230.328820116, stop=255.435203095)
We can also do a reverse lookup, and see what's at some arbitrary depth:
>>> striplog.depth(260).primary # 'primary' gives the first component Rock("colour":"grey", "lithology":"siltstone")
You can read more in the documentation. And here's Striplog in a picture:
An attempt to represent striplog's objects, more or less arranged according to a workflow.
Where to get it
For the time being, the tool is only available as a Python library, for you to use on the command line, or in IPython Notebooks (follow along here). You can install striplog very easily:
pip install striplog
Or you can clone the repo on GitHub.
As a new project, it has some rough edges. In particular, the Well object is rather rough. The natural language processing could be much more sophisticated. The plotting could be cuter. If and when we unearth more use cases, we'll be hacking some more on it. In the meantime, we would welcome code or docs contributions of any kind, of course.
And if you think you have a use for it, give us a call. We'd love to help.
I think it's awesome that the government reached out to a small, Nova Scotia-based company to do this work, keeping tax dollars in the province. But even more impressive is that they had the conviction not only to allow allow but even to encourage us to open source it. This is exactly how it should be. In contrast, I was contacted recently by a company that is building a commercial plug-in for Petrel. They had received funding from the federal government to do this. I find this... odd.