x lines of Python: static basemaps with contextily

Difficulty rating: Beginner

Something that is often useful in planning is to have a basemap of the area in which you have data or an interest. This can be made using a number of different tools, up to and including full-fledged GIS software, but we will use Contextily for a quick static basemap using Python. Installation is as simple as using conda install contextily or pip install contextily.

The steps that we want to take are the following, expressed in plain English, each of which will roughly be one line of code:

  1. Get a source for our basemap (placenames and similar things)
  2. Get a source for our geological map
  3. Get the location that we would like to map
  4. Plot the location with our geological data
  5. Add the basemap to our geological map
  6. Add the attribution for both maps
  7. Plot our final map

We will start with the imports, which as usual do not count:

import contextily as ctx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Contextily has a number of built-in providers of map tiles, which can be accessed using the ctx.providers dictionary. This is nested, with some providers offering multiple tiles. An example is the ctx.providers.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik provider, which contains the following:

{'url': 'https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
 'max_zoom': 19,
 'attribution': '(C) OpenStreetMap contributors',
 'name': 'OpenStreetMap.Mapnik'}

The most important parameter in the dictionary for each provider is the url. These are of the form example.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png. The {z} is the zoom level, while {x} and {y} relate to the latitude and longitude of a given tile, respectively. Note that these are the same as those used by interactive Slippy maps; contextily just downloads them as a single static image.

The easiest is to use one of these providers, but we can also define our own provider, using the above pattern for the URL. For geological data, the Macrostrat project is a great resource, especially because they have a tileserver supplying some detail. Their tileserver can be added using

geology_tiles = 'https://tiles.macrostrat.org/carto/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'

We also need a place to map. Contextily has a geocoder that can return the tiles covering a given location. It uses OpenStreetMap, so anything that is present there is useable as a location. This includes countries (e.g. 'Paraguay'), provinces/states ('Nova Scotia'), cities ('Lubumbashi'), and so on.

We will use Nova Scotia as our area of interest, as well as giving our desired map tiles. We can also use .plot() on the Place object to get a look at it immediately, using that basemap.

ctx.Place('Nova Scotia', source=ctx.providers.CartoDB.Positron).plot()
The Positron style from Carto for Nova Scotia.

The Positron style from Carto for Nova Scotia.

We'll use a different basemap though:

basemap = ctx.providers.Stamen.Toner

We can create the Place with our desired source — geology_tiles in this case — and then plot this on the basemap with some transparency. We will also add an attribution, since we need to credit MacroStrat.

place = ctx.Place('Nova Scotia', source=geology_tiles)

base_ax = place.plot()
ctx.add_basemap(ax=base_ax, source=basemap, alpha=0.5)
text = basemap.attribution + ' | Geological data: MacroStrat.org (CC-BY)'
ctx.add_attribution(ax=base_ax, text=text)

Finally, after a plt.show() call, we get the following:


Obviously this is still missing some important things, like a proper legend, but as a quick overview of what we can expect in a given area, it is a good approach. This workflow is probably better suited for general location maps.

Contextily also plays well with geopandas, allowing for an easy locality map of a given GeoDataFrame. Check out the accompanying Notebook for an example.

Binder  Run the accompanying notebook in MyBinder

x lines of Python: Loading images

Difficulty rating: Beginner

We'd often like to load images into Python. Once loaded, we might want to treat them as images, for example cropping them, saving in another format, or adjusting brightness and contrast. Or we might want to treat a greyscale image as a two-dimensional NumPy array, perhaps so that we can apply a custom filter, or because the image is actually seismic data.

This image-or-array duality is entirely semantic — there is really no difference between images and arrays. An image is a regular array of numbers, or, in the case of multi-channel rasters like full-colour images, a regular array of several numbers: one for each channel. So each pixel location in an RGB image contains 3 numbers:


In general, you can go one of two ways with images:

  1. Load the image using a library that 'knows about' (i.e. uses language related to) images. The preeminent tool here is pillow (which is a fork of the grandparent of all Python imaging solutions, PIL).
  2. Load the image using a library that knows about arrays, like matplotlib or scipy. These wrap PIL, making it a bit easier to use, but potentially losing some options on the way.

The Jupyter Notebook accompanying this post shows you how to do both of these things. I recommend learning to use some of PIL's power, but knowing about the easier options too.

Here's the way I generally load an image:

from PIL import Image
im = Image.open("my_image.png")

(One strange thing about pillow is that, while you install it with pip install pillow, you still actually import and use PIL in your code.) This im is an instance of PIL's Image class, which is a data structure especially for images. It has some handy methods, like im.crop(), im.rotate(), im.resize(), im.filter(), im.quantize(), and lots more. Doing some of these operations with NumPy arrays is fiddly — hence PIL's popularity.

But if you just want your image as a NumPy array:

import numpy as np
arr = np.array(im)

Note that arr is a 3-dimensional array, the dimensions being row, column, channel. You can go off with arr and do whatever you need, then cast back to an Image with Image.fromarray(arr).

All this stuff is demonstrated in the Notebook accompanying this post, or you can use one of these links to run it right now in your browser:

Binder   Run the accompanying notebook in MyBinder