News of the week

This week has been fairly quiet for geoscience and technology news, so we're hijacking our own post to highlight a couple of Agile* changes you might have missed. The first one is this very feature—our News of the week post. More or less every Friday we round up some geoscience news with an oil & gas or technology angle. If you spot something you think we should include, please scribble a quick note to hello at agilegeoscience dot com!

Another new feature on our site is subscription by email. Every blog post comes right to your email inbox, so you won't miss any Agile* goodness. Go to the SUBSCRIBE box on the right (under the tag cloud), enter your email address and hit Subscribe. It's that easy! No password to remember, 100% spam free, and you can unsubscribe any time. Powered by Google.

If you're a regular reader then you know all about our new mobile apps. At the moment, for completely practical reasons, they are only available for Android™ devices. We just upgraded our first app, Volume*, a prospect volumetrics tool—now you can save and recall prospects! In the next couple of days we will launch our first über-app, AVO*. Visit the wiki for a sneak peak.

The wiki? Yes, last month we launched AgileWiki, an experiment in sharing knowledge about the subsurface. We know that much of what we know and do as industrial, applied scientists is proprietary—that's what in-house corporate wikis and knowledge bases are for. But some of it at least is basic, foundational, and generic in nature. And that's what AgileWiki is for. Join in, share what you know!

Agile's YouTube channelYou might have noticed we've started dabbling a bit with video, and have a nascent YouTube channel. Today, the focus is on our mobile apps, but we are planning features on seismic interpretation workflows and other fun things. And we're open to feedback and suggestions on this effort, please let us know what you think!

Agile Geoscience brochure imageWe work hard to be interesting and relevant, not self-promoting and commercial. But occasionally people ask us what we actually do. So we made a one-pager setting out our stall. If you need some help doing something weird and wonderful, or just tricky and time-consuming, keep us in mind! We love helping people.

This ends the public service announcement. Back to our regular news feature next week!